Pharmaceutical Microbiology


Pharmaceutical Microbiology

  • ISBN: 81-301-0022-3
  • Author/s: B. L. Chaudhary & Harshada Joshi
  • Price: INR 210
  • Edition: 2008
  • Pages: 318 + VI
  • Language: English
  • Type:
  • Tag: Textbook


The authors present a basic and accessible introduction to the world of pharmaceutical microbiology. Microbiology has been an important branch of science since long. It has provided the means to control a number of infectious diseases and the experimental systems for the development of molecular biology and biotechnology. The history of microbiology and classification and general account of various microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoans are discussed in the first few chapters. The next few chapters deal with laboratory culture and identification of microorganisms and microbial genetics. In the subsequent chapters various applications of microbiology in the field of medicine and pharmacy are emphasized.
Contents :
1. Scope and History of Microbiology
2. Classification of Microorganisms
3. Ultrastructure of Bacteria
4. Spirochetes, Rickettsias and Actinomycetes
5. Viruses
6. Protozoa
7. Fungi
8. Algae
9. Cultivation and Identification of Microorganisms
10. Microbial Genetics and Bacterial Enzymes
11. Infection and Immunity
12. Microbial Diseases
13. Control of Microbes
14. Vaccines and Sera
15. Industrial Microbiology and Microbiological Assays
Subject Index

Pharmaceutical Microbiology
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