We are glad to present this book entitled “Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” aimed for the students of B. Pharma. The book has been written keeping in view the syllabus prescribed for under-graduate students. The language used is simple and easy to understand. The major focus of this book is on fermentation technology and plant tissue culture. Authors have tried to present required information in crisp and concised manner easy for students to imbibe. Summary notes given in the begining of each chapter provide quick reminder of the contents to follow. It is hoped that the book will serve as a useful text both for students and teachers in pharmaceutical sciences.
1. Introduction
2. DNA – Its structure and properties
3. Recombinant DNA Technology
4. Enzyme Biotechnology
5. Plant Tissue Culture and Production of Pharmaceuticals in Culture
6. Industrial Biotechnology
7. Monoclonal Antibodies
8. Halometabolites
9. Fuel Biotechnology