Pharmaceutical Human Anatomy & Physiology


Pharmaceutical Human Anatomy & Physiology

  • ISBN: 81-301-0036-3
  • Author/s: M. M. Saxena
  • Price: INR 210
  • Edition: 2007
  • Pages: 278 + VI
  • Language: English
  • Type:
  • Tag: Textbook


Human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology are such vast bio-medical subjects in themselves that scores of pages may be written, and have been written, on each. Thus, it was indeed a challenge to write on these topics, far wide and deep with ever increasing advances, in a comprehensive manner, without compromising with the brevity of matter and necessary knowledge input to be imparted to the students. It has been attempted to provide the text and figures in a manner simple enough to be followed and grasped by the students for whom it is an early exposure to the discipline.
Contents :
1. Scope of Anatomy and Physiology
2. Animal Cell
3. Elementary Tissues
4. Integumentary System
5. Skeleton and Joints
6. Skeletal Muscles
7. Digestive System
8. Blood and Lymph
9. Cardiovascular System
10. Respiratory System
11. Urinary System
12. Reproductive System
13. Nervous System
14. Endocrine System
15. Sense Organs
16. Pathophysiology
17. Health Education
Suggested Readings

Pharmaceutical Human Anatomy & Physiology
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