Molecular Biology Biotechnology


  • ISBN: 81-301-0033-9
  • Author/s: Sunil D Purohit & Gotam K Kukda
  • Price: INR 250
  • Edition: 2013
  • Pages: 366 + X
  • Language: Hindi
  • Type: Paperback
  • Tag: Textbook


Molecular Biology – Introduction and History, Genetic Recombination in Bacteria, Genetic Engineering or Recombinant DNA Technology, Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology, Genetics of Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Neurospora Genetics, Structure and Functions of Biomolecules, Synthesis of Nucleic Acids, Genetic Code, Protein Synthesis, Gene Concept and Gene Regulation, History of Plant Tissue Culture, Tools and Techniques of Plant Tissue Culture, Methods in Plant Tissue Culture, Single Cell Culture, Applications of Plant Tissue Culture in Biotechnology, Methods of Gene Transfer, Applications of Genetic Engineering, Secondary Metabolities – Different Types and Uses, Fermentors – Types and Uses

Molecular Biology Biotechnology
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