Insect Taxonomy


Insect Taxonomy

  • ISBN: 81-301-0097-5
  • Author/s: R. SWAMINATHAN
  • Price: INR 3000
  • Edition: 2023
  • Pages: 198 + VI
  • Language: English
  • Type: Papaerback
  • Tag: 


Insect taxonomy is an essentially practical oriented course that requires an in-depth study of the existing bio-diversity. Experience evinces that one of the more easy and faster ways to gain knowledge of the existing bio-diversity necessitates field observations in agricultural and other natural ecosystems. This guide book is an attempt towards catering to the needs of the field observers and scholars of agricultural entomology by way of providing morphological characterization of the key insect orders and families of agriculture importance with suitable line diagrams and coloured plates. The essential theoretical aspects including key diagnostic traits for identification of insectan orders and families have been provided in a lucid manner with a view to enable the students, scientists, and extension workers of agricultural sciences and zoology to familiarize themselves with these arthropods that happen to dominate the animal world.

Insect Taxonomy
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