Waste and By-product Utilization


Waste and By-product Utilization

  • ISBN: 978-81-301-0090-6
  • Author/s: Prof. Deepak Sharma, Dr. Neelam Rathore & Er. Kapil Kumar Samar
  • Price: INR 350
  • Edition: 2020
  • Pages: 114 + IV
  • Language: English
  • Type: Papaerback
  • Tag: 


Human settlements are made up of many interdependent systems, such as transportation, food processing, energy utilization and waste management. Growing evidence shows that solutions to environmental problems connected to the system are not sustainable. Sustainable solutions are those that often approach problems by addressing their root causes.

The efficient and systematic utilization of food and industrial waste/ by-products in scientific manner through appropriate technologies will provide ample opportunities for employment and income generation besides energy production and safe eco-friendly disposal of waste necessary for environmental protection. A compiled textbook on these aspects was in demand from many stakeholders which motivated us to come up with the present publication entitled “Waste and By-product Utilization”.

The book contains chapters on overview of waste generation from various food processing industries, basic operation required in pre-treatment and treatment of waste water, industrial effluent treatment, fundamentals of solid waste treatment methods, energy conservation, etc. Further it also contains general overview of bio-conversion technologies for treatment of waste which includes different type of biogas plants. Different energy generation technologies of biomass waste like briquetting, electricity generation from biomass through thermochemical route and biomass gasification is explained in detail.

The book is written in simple language and the content is arranged in such a systematic manner that makes its’ application very effective. It is conveniently arranged by application along with questions that are commonly asked in various examinations. The book is perfect first-stop reference for any scientist, engineer, technical staff or student looking for information on waste generation and its by-product utilization.

We are sure this compendium will prove to be a valuable source of information and will lead to further development, utilization and propagation of renewable energy technologies for utilization of agro-residue industrial waste/by-products as resource for energy and wealth generation.

Waste and By-product Utilization
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