Higher Education at Crossroads


Higher Education at Crossroads

  • ISBN: 978-81-301-0042-5
  • Author/s: Rama Sharma, S. K. Dalal, Kavita Parulkar & Hukam Singh
  • Price: INR 500/$ 50
  • Edition: 2010
  • Pages: 166 + X
  • Language: English
  • Type: Hardcover
  • Tag: 


The present higher education scenario is beset with many challenges posed by globalization and consequent policy changes in the name of economic reforms by the government. This has raised the debate that centers around the coreissues like privatization or state funding of higher education, higher education for classes or masses, technical and professional education v/s traditional mainstream education, quality of higher education, role of regulatory bodies etc. This book is a collection of selected papers that were presented in the seminar on “Higher Education at Crossroads”, focusing on these issues and policy concerns in the field of higher education.
1. Quality Higher Education : Public Policy Concerns
2. Critical Issues In Higher Education in India
3. Privatization of Higher Education
4. Higher Education : Issues of Access and Funding
5. Financing Expenditure on Education in India
6. State Funding Vs Privatisation of Higher Education : Policy Imperatives
7. Challenges in Higher Education
8. Growth and Regional Disparities in Higher Education in Rajasthan
9. Status of Higher Education in India – Structure and Scale
10. Privatisation of Higher Education : New Dimensions and Challenges
11. Quality Education for All : Policy Imperatives
12. Evolution in Education
13. Reservation in Higher Education : Social Responsibility of Democracy
14. The Anthropology of Merit
15. Student Oriented Mainstream Education
16. Equity and Related Aspects of Technical and Professional Education
17. Higher Education in Crisis : Value Based Model is the Answer
18. An Alternative to the Present System of Higher Education
19. Deconstructing the Curriculum : Local Issues in Curriculum Planning
20. India’s Education and Literacy

Higher Education at Crossroads
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